We offer our condolences to the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and all the families that have lost loved ones due to racism. Their names matter and their lives matter, as do the lives of all our black brothers and sisters.   

Organix stands with the black community - our employees, customers, and partners - in condemning the systemic racism, discrimination, and inequities that continue to result in the tragic loss of black lives. We support those who seek justice and change through peaceful protests across our country.  

Racism and violence are antithetical to our Company's mission and values. Organix is dedicated to building a more sustainable future for all, protecting our communities and our environment, and working to build a world in which all people have equal opportunity to live and thrive.   

We are steadfast in our commitment to creating change through our work and our diverse workforce, and will continue to speak out in support of building a stronger, more sustainable future.